The Tenth Of Tevet
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Special Days of Tevet
Why do we fast on the 10th of Tevet? What is forbidden on the fast day? What can we still do? -
Is it permissible for one to brush teeth on a minor fast day without toothpaste?
View the answer of Rabbi Yoel Lieberman>> -
Where Was G-d in the Holocaust?
The question in the headline is not one that is simply "asked;" it is rather cried out in pain! Unlike many questions that do not have an intellectual answer – such as, "Where was G-d when a baby died yesterday? Where was He during a variety of catastrophes that have occurred throughout history, some even worse than the Holocaust?" – it is specifically the Shoah that continually ignites anew the "Where was G-d?" debate. Delving deeper, we note that the reason for this actually directs us towards a more profound issue. Our question is actually a cry of despair that the Shoah appears to justify. For the Holocaust did not sprout up in a vacuum -
Via the Internet!
The translation of the Torah into Greek was mourned by the Rabbis. How, then, should we spread the light of Torah in the world? -
Adorn yourself first!
The translation of the Torah into Greek was mourned by the Rabbis. How, then, should we spread the light of Torah in the world? -
The 3 Things To Remember
What is the fast about? The Prophets and Sages instituted it after the destruction of the First Holy Temple, for on this date the Babylonian King Nevuchadnetzar and his armies began a siege upon the holy city.
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